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The Importance of Test Data Strategy in automated Testing and Reflection

Your test data strategy should be built around a concrete understanding of each scenario you wish to test and how it will interact with other scenarios. This will ensure that all scenarios in your test case are well supported and well tested for maximum user productivity and stability. In this article, we will look at some simple strategies to create test data strategies. These strategies should under no circumstances be copied and should form a critical component of your test data strategy implementation.

Creating dedicated automation test data channels. In most automated tests, typically have certain hardcoded data which are used to generate the expected outcome. However, in some cases the user has created automated tests and they are expecting a specific output. In this case, where the user has not deliberately created a scenario using the test data strategy, you must use dedicated automation test data channels to generate the actual desired result. The test data channel can either be controlled or un-run depending on the severity of the problem.

Maintain a range of test suites. Test data strategies should make provision for running multiple test suites. If a user only intends to test a handful of cases, they can generally run those in parallel with each other. However, if a user intends to test hundreds of cases, it makes much more sense to create test suites in a batch or set of test suites.

Create test data automation groups (MTAS). In the earlier days of automated testing, test data automation groups were seen as a significant impediment to the speed of the testing process, and this was true in some situations. However, the rapid growth of the technology and increased constraint on the time and resources spent on manual testing has brought about a sea change in this area of the test automation landscape. Now, most test automation platforms can automatically create MTAS groups that span the full lifecycle of a test case, making the process highly-convenient and fast.

Automation of live data collection. This section describes the implementation of a test data strategy that involves the automation of the entire process of collecting and organizing real-time data during the execution of the test cases. Most test automation frameworks provide the tools and necessary configuration and setup scripts for the collection of real-time data. These scripts may allow for the recording of metrics from the application servers, or they may allow for the collection of data directly from the database. Based on the test scenario and the kind of inputs that the tester inputs, the appropriate collection scripts and processes should be implemented.

Establish data integrity. A test data strategy should include provisions to ensure the protection of the underlying test data from accidental or malicious changes. The test environment might comprise one or multiple environments, and it is through the integrity of the underlying test data that a successful test plan is achieved. In addition to securing test data, the same strategy should also provide assistance in the establishment of test data integrity across different test environments.

Data source selection. When a test data strategy is implemented, the selection of the data sources can either be an independent or joint decision. In the latter, the manager can establish which sources of information are best suited for a given test case and thus choose a suitable data generator for the purpose. While an independent decision refers to the decision based on the available information and resources; the joint decision entails the partial collaboration of two or more team members to select a single data generator that will serve all the purposes for which the strategy was established.

Testing automation. As stated earlier, the strategy can involve automated testing of the application code itself. However, even with automated testing, the test data strategy must be implemented to ensure the correct data quality. In addition, automated tests should also be configured to generate consistent results across different test cases so that the test data itself can be analyzed and used for the development of new test cases. This is why it is advisable to have a test data strategy in place. It would enable the developers to easily configure the test scripts to generate reliable and repeatable results.
